Jummah (Friday Prayers)

Khutbah Start: 1:00pm 

Please arrive in good time. 

Important Information 

We have extended our shoe racks to accommodate the increased number of attendees, yet we are finding shoes are still being left on the floor in the entrance.

If you are using the upstairs rooms there are shoe racks on the respective floors. Please take your shoes with you and store them on the racks provided.

When leaving the Masjid, please take your shoes and place them on outside the Masjid to avoid creating a queue behind you.

A Polite Reminder

There is more reward to be had in reading 4 rakat sunnah muakkadah following the congregational prayer than queuing to leave the Masjid immediately after.

You will not only reduce the queues but also gain extra reward.

Allah SWT knows best.